Sunday, May 5, 2013

Schedule Your Free Demo to See Firsthand: The Power of Email Fundraising to Generate $$

I still find non profit organizations that are apprehensive about email fundraising. It seems like their concerns sometimes hover around issues like: "Will email cannibalize their snail mail results?" or maybe even more fundamentally, "Will people react negatively to solicitations?" from their non profit through email.

Before April 2008, this client had not been doing any email fundraising. They agreed to let Pathmaker start a monthly email fundraising effort on their behalf that was tied to their monthly snail mail fundraising efforts.

After doing an initial Verify My Email campaign, their email list netted out to 20,000 deliverable names.

Here are the results from our last 13 eAppeals for them:
Thirteen-month Summary:
1,816 gifts = $190,887 gross income generated
(Monthly Averages: 140 gifts for $14,683)

Don't be shy if your email lists are small to begin with. Pathmaker can help you implement a Traffic Conversion Plan and list growth strategies that will build your email file into a company asset that can deliver significant results for you. We're confident that we are one of the fundraising companies that can move your non profit marketing to the next level.

Call us Now @  (623) 322-3334 and we will help you succeed! 

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