Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Despite any negative press about email, efundraising is alive and well and raising lots of $.

Unlike many newcomers into the efundraising field, Pathmaker has a respectable history in all aspects of fundraising -- traditional and online. We fully understand both worlds.
In addition to all our offline and online experiences, we also bring a recent track record of integrating the newer online technologies with traditional fundraising to achieve improved results that neither could produce on their own. Ask us about our comprehensive approach to fundraising that harmonizes your offline and online fundraising strategies.

Plus, we provide far more than general ideas! We provide specific and detailed input - and if needed, we can carry a plan through from concept to complete implementation.
We can tell you WHAT needs to be done, WHEN it needs to be done for optimum results, HOW it needs to be done - and we can back our recommendations with RESULTS.

Friday, April 26, 2013

E-mail Fundraising Strategies

It is obvious that any successful endeavor is the result of someone developing and implementing a specific, successful strategy.  Email Fundraising is no exception.  Any e-mail marketing professional worth their salt knows this to be true.  And, a real e-mail marketing specialist will tell you that there are actually five strategies that you can employ to ensure that your email marketing program is, in fact, a successful one. 
 “STAND ALONE” E-MAIL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN - Here, you want to make an offer that is totally exclusive to the e-mail you send.  To make these most effective, it is wise to have a time limit in which recipients must respond to benefit from your offer. Remember, all such offers should revolve around and be related to the cause you are trying to raise funds for. 

If you find all of this a little overwhelming, you may want to contact a Professional E-Mail Marketing Service like PATHMAKER MARKETING, LLC to assist you with your email marketing undertakings.  An e-mail marketing company of long standing, we not only knows how to implement these five strategies; we also have a track record of success that you will find most impressive!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Easy Internet Steps To Get More Visitors To Your Church

There is, without a doubt, nary a pastor or church in the country that doesn’t want to get more visitors to come to their church.  With a pure heart and a message to share, their intent is to provide for those visitors programs and services that will enhance and improve their life style.  As the 21st Century dawns it has become obvious to email marketing specialists that the Internet is a wonderful way for churches to evangelize and make themselves known to a lost world.  Randall Mains, Founder and CEO of PATH-MAKER  MARKETING LLC, one of the premier e-mail marketing professionals in the country, agrees that the following steps are an easy way to inform prospective visitors about your church and what it has to offer.

1. Launch Google Ad Words - - Target Geographically
2. Get your CHURCH found on Google by claiming your Google Place.
3. Get your members to give your positive reviews on Google Places.
4. Claim your Bing Listing
5. Claim your Yahoo Listing

As an email marketing company, PATHMAKER MARKETING, LLC knows that the above suggestions will work, if given the time to develop.  If you need a professional e-mail marketing firm to help you accomplish the above, PATHMAKER and Randall Mains stand ready to assist you.  To learn more, go to Pathmaker Marketing.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Be Part of The e-Book Phenomenon

The world is expanding technologically speaking, and that’s why we would like to discuss the “latest and greatest” trends of the day, of which one of those is the booming eBook Phenomenon.

It goes without saying that before you can “post” and market an eBook you must first have a book. If you have a completed manuscript, either fiction or non-fiction, you can relatively easily take the next step and convert it to an eBook.

Your first step is to get your book into a digital format. If you wrote your book on your computer as a Word.doc you have already accomplished this project. However, if your manuscript was completed a number of years ago and you have only a “hard” copy you have two choices: you can either scan your manuscript and convert it to digital that way, or you can simply have someone re-type your manuscript and save it as a Word.doc.

To read more, click HERE.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Identifying Winnable Keywords

The task of Targeting Winnable Keywords is an Eight Step Process, which includes but is not limited to:

ID Your Target Terms
Locate Variations on those terms
Acquire the CPC and Global Volume Numbers for your Terms
Look for terms under $2.50 and under 2500 in Volume.

Everyone's Blog needs are uniquely different. That's why we design and install Compendium to meet your unique needs.

Identifying Winnable Keywords is only the first of the many ways Pathmaker Marketing LLC can serve you as a Premier Blogging Service. We can help you create Dynamic Calls to Action (CTAs). These guide people to take actions you want them to take. Do you want people to subscribe to your Newsletter, register to your E-mail list, or buy your product? Dynamic CTAs are the area where so many Blogs fall short. This is where we excel! Contact us now and learn more about our Premier Blogging Service!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Proven Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic

Gone are the days when all you need to do to run an online business is to build a website, send it to the major Search Engines and wait for visitors to come. Today, you need to proactively drive highly qualified traffic to it and convert visitors into clients. 

Search Engine Marketing is not just presenting flashy website, people are no longer buying that. What you need today is to find a hungry niche and sell them your product or services. The question then is how to drive a great deal of hungry visitors into your website. Here is a five-tiered approach to accomplish that:

Search Engine Optimization - It is a fact in online marketing that people will mostly see your website through the Search Engines. It is therefore imperative that the major ones at least (Google, Yahoo and Bing), will find it so that they can feed it to those who are searching. This means that your website should be Search Engine Optimized so their robots can crawl and index your pages. This will greatly influence your ranking in the search results.

This approach to Search Engine Marketing will ensure that you are able to drive a highly qualified traffic to your website, convert visitors into clients and increase your revenue. Often times they overlap, nevertheless, they work hand in hand to drive that much needed traffic so that your online marketing success is guaranteed. Learn four (4) more Proven Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ways to Grow Your Facebook Page

Rule Number 1: Make Their Visit Worthwhile - Post valuable content on your page. Interesting content is okay, but valuable content is better. Tell them something they don’t know. It might be something unique about yourself, your product, or your company. It might be something newsworthy. Or it might be an exclusive offer of some kind, a discount, or a coupon. Somewhere on that page, offer something that they cannot get anywhere else, whether it’s material, philosophical, information, or even humor. If a visitor to your page considers what you have to say or offer is valuable, they have a reason to visit again. Speaking of which . . .

Rule Number 2: Give Them a Reason to Return - Create contests and have giveaways. Post teasers about upcoming articles or freebies. Link these ideas to things such as visiting your website and finding a hidden item. Create a contest whereby the person who refers the most new fans to your page receives a prize and some special recognition. Run short contests and year-long contests at the same time. Always tie contests to building your fan base. And keep your content fresh. Even people who were interested on their first visits will not keep returning if there is nothing new and interesting on your page. Keep creating that sense of urgency that originally drove them to your site to get them to return.

Rule Number 3: Encourage Interaction -  This is the a la mode on the pie, the icing on the cake, the gold nugget in the stream. As you comply with the first four rules, do it so intensely that people will “Like” or “Share” or “Comment” on what you have posted. This is where the magic happens. “Liking”, “Sharing”, and “Commenting” are what make things go viral. When someone Likes, Shares, or Comments on Facebook, it’s like Gossip Gone Wild. And when that happens, the increase in readership could become astronomical. Don’t wait on them to Like, Share, or Comment. Encourage them to do it.

By now you should realize that it’s not having a Facebook page that is the secret to success, it’s how you promote it and use it. Tell folks it’s great. Then prove it to them when they visit. If you’ve followed the rules, not only will they return, they’ll bring Friends, and Friends of Friends, with them. And the Friends of their Friends’ Friends will follow.

Learn 2 more Ways to Grow Your Facebook Page by visiting our Pathmaker Marketing Blog.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Proven Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic to Your Website

1.     Link building - No website is an island and that is why you have to build bridges to yours. If you can build links to authority websites, this will make your more credible and authoritative. If a visitor finds a link to your site from Wikipedia for example, he will think that you are indeed genuine in your desire to help and will remove the stigma of selling in his mind.

2.     Blogging with targeted keywords - The purpose of blogging with targeted keywords is two-fold; to drive traffic and to pre-sell visitors to the helpfulness of your product or service. If you don’t target keywords with your blog, visitors will not find it even if they want to. On the other hand, even if you can drive traffic to your website, but you are not able to convince them of the usability of your product or service, they will also not buy from you. Blogging with targeted keywords then requires the mixture of naturally incorporating keywords into your blog and be as convincing as possible without being too pushy with your prospects.

This 2-tiered approach to Search Engine Marketing will ensure that you are able to drive a highly qualified traffic to your website, convert visitors into clients and increase your revenue. Often times they overlap, nevertheless, they work hand in hand to drive that much needed traffic so that your online marketing success is guaranteed.

Learn the other 3 Proven Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Traffic to your website by visiting Pathmaker Marketing Blog

Friday, April 5, 2013


The world is expanding technologically speaking, and that’s why we would like to discuss the “latest and greatest” trends of the day, of which one of those is the booming eBook Phenomenon.

It goes without saying that before you can “post” and market an eBook you must first have a book. If you have a completed manuscript, either fiction or non-fiction, you can relatively easily take the next step and convert it to an eBook.

Your first step is to get your book into a digital format. If you wrote your book on your computer as a Word.doc you have already accomplished this project. However, if your manuscript was completed a number of years ago and you have only a “hard” copy you have two choices: you can either scan your manuscript and convert it to digital that way, or you can simply have someone re-type your manuscript and save it as a Word.doc.

Once you have your manuscript in digital format (either Word.doc or PDF) you can proceed and convert it into an eBook format. To date, there are two of these that you can choose from: The iPad needs an ePub format, while Kindle needs Mobi. Now, you can upload it as a PDF, but this is typically problematic for both iPad and Kindle, as it mandates a lot of scrolling and the pages may not “fit.” 

Once your book is in eBook format you next need to make it available to the public. To do this you should go to Kindle and set up what is known as a KDP, or Kindle Direct Publishing, Account. In doing so, this makes your book available on Amazon, as Amazon owns Kindle. (Currently, Amazon is selling more eBooks than hard copy books, and it is most likely that the trend is not going to reverse itself.) 

Accomplishing this is a process, but you can do it! (AUTHORS NOTE: You can expect to receive about 70% of the sales price with eBooks sold on Amazon, though this can vary due to fulfillment arrangements and so on.)

You are not limited to selling only on Amazon, but that is yet another process to be discussed another day!

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to Use Facebook to Promote a Local Fundraising Campaign

Facebook is not only a good way to connect with relatives and friends, it also an excellent tool to announce a fundraising event. Think about it, what you’ve got in there is already a captured audience, compared to flyers and tarpaulins wherein people can choose not to read or even look at them. People on Facebook can choose to ignore you as well but, it is less likely because what you’ve got there are people who know and trust you. Here’s how you can use Facebook to promote a fundraising event:

Create and event - Create an event in Facebook ideally on the Fundraiser’s own account. Make sure that after you filled in the necessary details, that you click “anyone can view and RSVP” so that it is made public. You should also click “show guest list on event page” so that people can see who are invited and can invite new people.

Once the event goes live and you have invited your friends and they have RSVP, their friends can now see it on their wall too. This will make your invitation viral.

Check our Blog to learn more tips on how to use facebook to promote your local fundraising campaign.