Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Is Your Website Effective?

With no obligation whatsoever on your part, Pathmaker will generate a custom, metrics-based report that will give you a precise assessment of how your website measures up against its potential to be DYNAMIC and to be a tool that drives customers to your business. 

The company’s proprietary software will scour the internet to provide you with an analysis of how your website scores relative to six key elements that are absolutely necessary for a successful internet presence.  Those elements include:

Your local search engine ratings
Your local directory citations
Your competitors’ local directory citations
Your social media presence
Your keyword rankings
Your customer reviews

Your site will receive a score for each element, measuring the visibility of your site as a percentage of its potential.  Finally, the report will give you a composite score, revealing the overall visibility of your site.   A clear explanation of the findings accompanies each score, so you know where the gaps are and you have a general idea of how to address those areas that could use some improvement.  You’ll even know how your visibility compares to your competitors’!
We want your website to be effective and your business to be successful.  

The Pathmaker Visibility Report will give you an awareness of the reality of your site’s status that will be beyond your expectations.  With the insight you gain, you will know EXACTLY the steps to take to make your site exponentially more effective.  They are all steps that anyone can take.   If you have questions, need assistance, or would simply rather have an experienced professional do the job - Pathmaker Marketing has the resources to quickly and efficiently improve your online visibility and, ultimately, grow your business.

For your FREE Visibility Report, click here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

EMAIL CAMPAIGNS - Get the Most Innovative Marketing Plan Today!

Perhaps the most Innovative Marketing Plan on the Internet today is Email Campaigns. Dedicated to imparting Enduring Tidbits to clients and prospective clients alike, rather than being directly Economically Driven, the program is meant to expand both the depth and breadth of a businesses’ relationship with its clients!

Pathmaker Marketing LLC has both the knowledge, expertise and talented individuals necessary to put together Email Campaigns that will allow you to endure yourself to your clients, while subtly leading them to your doors! As we develop your multi-part Campaigns we will concentrate on meeting the needs of those you serve, while constructing them in such a manner that they will be Automatic in nature!

To learn more about how we can help you develop Email Campaigns, visit us HERE. You will be pleased with the end results, and your clients will be thrilled with the information you share with them!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Email Fundraising Techniques

It probably is pretty safe to assume that E-Mail Fundraising is not a flash in the pan, but, rather, will be a major weapon in the arsenal of every email marketing firm in the nation for ad infinitum.  Scattered across the world wide web is tidbits of information and suggestions posted by various e-mail marketing experts meant to help give a better understanding of email marketing.  While each and everyone may be valuable, it could be painstakingly difficult to fetter them out and paint a picture with a broad enough scope to actually let you know how to attain success in this realm.  That’s why, as successful email marketing professional, I thought it would be prudent to take time to share a plethora of suggestions that have helped Pathmaker Marketing, LLC in their quest of becoming a successful professional e-mail marketing firm in the realm of e-fundraising.  So, below is a comprehensive “what to do” guide for enjoying E-mail Fundraising success.

1.    TEST - TEST - TEST - Constantly.  In email fundraising there are some variables that you can control and some that you can’t.  What you can control is when you send and how you design your emails and how you design your Landing Pages.
2.    BUILD YOUR INTERNAL FILES - Understandably, your donor file will always give you the most return on any given e-mail.  Next would be your internal prospecting file and finally any external prospecting file.
3.    GET A DECENT ESP - To conduct an E-mail Fundraising campaign you must have an Email Service Provider (ESP).  Basically, there are three types - Entry Level, Intermediate, and Advanced. 
4.    NO CSS WHEN CODING E-MAIL IN HTML - What is often overlooked is the fact that that if you use CSS it will be stripped by many email clients.  For example, G-mail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and MacMail all tend to strip out CSS
5.    DESIGN AND CODE TO 600 PIXELS WIDE - At that width your e-mail will render okay in a number of environments, such as PC, iPad and mobile phones.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Top Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic

Search Engine Marketing is not just presenting flashy website, people are no longer buying that. What you need today is to find a hungry niche and sell them your product or services. The question then is how to drive a great deal of hungry visitors into your website. Here is a five-tiered approach to accomplish that:

1. Search Engine Optimization - It is a fact in online marketing that people will mostly see your website through the Search Engines. It is therefore imperative that the major ones at least (Google, Yahoo and Bing), will find it so that they can feed it to those who are searching. 

2. PPC advertising - Instead of waiting for months to see results from organic SEO strategies, pay-per-click or PPC will give you results within weeks. Through paid advertising, you can then identify which keywords are often search and thus, will be viable in your organic SEO.

3. Social networking - The success of websites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube has taken Internet marketing to new territories. No longer do we bring clients to our websites, we bring our websites to where they are gathered and from there, hope that things will take off. 

4. Link building - No website is an island and that is why you have to build bridges to yours. If you can build links to authority websites, this will make your more credible and authoritative. 

5. Blogging with targeted keywords - The purpose of blogging with targeted keywords is two-fold; to drive traffic and to pre-sell visitors to the helpfulness of your product or service. If you don’t target keywords with your blog, visitors will not find it even if they want to. On the other hand, even if you can drive traffic to your website, but you are not able to convince them of the usability of your product or service, they will also not buy from you.

This five-tiered approach to Search Engine Marketing will ensure that you are able to drive a highly qualified traffic to your website, convert visitors into clients and increase your revenue. Often times they overlap, nevertheless, they work hand in hand to drive that much needed traffic so that your online marketing success is guaranteed.

To learn more about these strategies, click HERE.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

5 Proven Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic to Your Website

Search Engine Marketing is not just presenting flashy website, people are no longer buying that. What you need today is to find a hungry niche and sell them your product or services. The question then is how to drive a great deal of hungry visitors into your website. Here is a five-tiered approach to accomplish that:

1. Search Engine Optimization - It is a fact in online marketing that people will mostly see your website through the Search Engines. It is therefore imperative that the major ones at least (Google, Yahoo and Bing), will find it so that they can feed it to those who are searching. 

2. PPC advertising - Instead of waiting for months to see results from organic SEO strategies, pay-per-click or PPC will give you results within weeks. Through paid advertising, you can then identify which keywords are often search and thus, will be viable in your organic SEO.

3. Social networking - The success of websites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube has taken Internet marketing to new territories. No longer do we bring clients to our websites, we bring our websites to where they are gathered and from there, hope that things will take off. 

4. Link building - No website is an island and that is why you have to build bridges to yours. If you can build links to authority websites, this will make your more credible and authoritative. 

5. Blogging with targeted keywords - The purpose of blogging with targeted keywords is two-fold; to drive traffic and to pre-sell visitors to the helpfulness of your product or service. If you don’t target keywords with your blog, visitors will not find it even if they want to. On the other hand, even if you can drive traffic to your website, but you are not able to convince them of the usability of your product or service, they will also not buy from you.

This five-tiered approach to Search Engine Marketing will ensure that you are able to drive a highly qualified traffic to your website, convert visitors into clients and increase your revenue. Often times they overlap, nevertheless, they work hand in hand to drive that much needed traffic so that your online marketing success is guaranteed.

To learn more about these strategies, click HERE.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Simple Ways to Grow Your Facebook Page

Facebook is far more than the name “social media” implies. It has become one of the most effective marketing venues the world has even seen. So why is it that, although you’ve created a Facebook page for their business, it just sits there? Why don’t people notice it? With countless people with Facebook accounts, why do you have only two fans after an entire year of exposure? Well, it might depend on your concept of exposure. And it might amaze you that there is nothing new under the sun. 

We’re about to share some ideas that will draw crowds to your Facebook page or you table on the town square.

Rule Number 1: Let People Know You Are There. - Tell people that you are “in the square and open for business.” Tell people you are on Facebook and tell them where to find you. Tell them everywhere you go. Advertise everywhere they go. It’s called cross-promotion. Put up banner ads on associate websites.

Rule Number 2: Don’t Just Be There. Have A Purpose. - Not everyone needs a Facebook page. But everyone with a product or cause to promote does. Share your passion on your page. Let people know what you are all about.

Rule Number 3: Make Their Visit Worthwhile. - Post valuable content on your page. Interesting content is okay, but valuable content is better. Tell them something they don’t know. It might be something unique about yourself, your product, or your company. It might be something newsworthy.

Rule Number 4: Give Them a Reason to Return - Create contests and have giveaways. Post teasers about upcoming articles or freebies. Link these ideas to things such as visiting your website and finding a hidden item.

Rule Number 5: Encourage Interaction -  This is the a la mode on the pie, the icing on the cake, the gold nugget in the stream. As you comply with the first four rules, do it so intensely that people will “Like” or “Share” or “Comment” on what you have posted. This is where the magic happens.

By now you should realize that it’s not having a Facebook page that is the secret to success, it’s how you promote it and use it. Tell folks it’s great. Then prove it to them when they visit. If you’ve followed the rules, not only will they return, they’ll bring Friends, and Friends of Friends, with them. And the Friends of their Friends’ Friends will follow.

Learn more information about the ways to Grow your Facebook Page, click HERE.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Steps In Getting Your Business Found In Local Internet

In the day and age that we live one thing is as true as it ever was - - it doesn’t matter how good you are or how competitive your prices are if no one knows about you!  As a result, the age-old challenge of making sure that potential clients find you continues to rage on.  Currently, however, the secret to achieving this goal no longer revolves around the yellow pages, billboards nor, to some extent, even radio and TV advertising.  Rather, the key, the “secret” if you would, to marketing success pretty much revolves around the Internet and Social Media!


2. GET LISTED IN AS MANY LOCAL DIRECTORIES AS POSSIBLE - These can run the gamut from “Angie’s List” to “Hot Frog” and includes things like:                                                                  

Learn two more steps by visiting us @ Pathmaker Marketing. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Easy Internet Steps To Get More Visitors To Your Church

There is, without a doubt, nary a pastor or church in the country that doesn’t want to get more visitors to come to their church.  With a pure heart and a message to share, their intent is to provide for those visitors programs and services that will enhance and improve their life style.  As the 21st Century dawns it has become obvious to email marketing specialists that the Internet is a wonderful way for churches to evangelize and make themselves known to a lost world.  Randall Mains, Founder and CEO of PATH-MAKER  MARKETING LLC, one of the premier e-mail marketing professionals in the country, agrees that the following steps are an easy way to inform prospective visitors about your church and what it has to offer.

1. Launch Google Ad Words - - Target Geographically
2. Get your CHURCH found on Google by claiming your Google Place.
3. Get your members to give your positive reviews on Google Places.
4. Claim your Bing Listing
5. Claim your Yahoo Listing

As an email marketing company, PATHMAKER MARKETING, LLC knows that the above
suggestions will work, if given the time to develop.  If you need a professional e-mail marketing firm to help you accomplish the above, PATHMAKER and Randall Mains stand ready to assist you.  To learn more, go to Pathmaker Marketing. 

Learn more about other Easy Internet Steps to get more visitors to your Church, visit: Pathmaker Marketing Now!

Friday, February 1, 2013

What You Need to Know about Web Design

When it comes to Website Design there are several basic "Musts" that need to be kept in mind - the Do's and Don'ts, if you would, of Website Design. Here are a few points you will want to consider:

Design - it isn't about you: You need to ensure that your site caters to what your Visitors like, not you. With that thought in mind, there are numerous things to avoid, and the Designers at Pathmaker Marketing LLC not only know what these are, but how to stay away from them.

Ease of Use - make it easy to find your content: Visitors need to be able to easily see what you have to offer and to be able to readily get to it. Our Designers will equip your site so that visitors can easily navigate around it.

Copywriting: Too little and your Visitor leaves uninformed; too much and they leave bored. Pathmaker Marketing LLC Designerswill direct you as to how much is perfect and, if you so desire, our Copywriting Staff can even prepare the text for you.

Interactivity: One of the cutting edge aspects of Website Design is providing the capability of "involving" your visitors. From Games to Gathering Information, our Designers are adept at creating opportunities for "Visitor Participation" with your site.

Technology - use it to facilitate meaningful conversation: By using State of the Art Technology our Designers can actually determine your visitor's likes and interests by the way they browse your site, thus allowing you to "cut to the chase" when you do follow up contacts.

Content - make it useful: Pathmaker Marketing LLC Designers are trained to design Websites so that they address visitor's potential problems and provide resolutions.

It would seem that the above is all you need to know about Designing the Perfect Website. The reality is we have just barely scratched the surface! The Pathmaker Marketing LLC Designers work closely with our Search Engine Optimization Team to ensure that your site is, in fact, "optimized". The key here, of course, is Targeting Keywords.