Friday, March 29, 2013

3 Tips on Email Fundraising

It probably is pretty safe to assume that E-Mail Fundraising is not a flash in the pan, but, rather, will be a major weapon in the arsenal of every email marketing firm in the nation for ad infinitum.  Scattered across the World Wide Webaretitbits of information and suggestions posted by various e-mail marketing experts meant to help give a better understanding of email marketing.  Below is a list of “what to do” guide for enjoying E-mail Fundraising success.

1. ADD “READ MORE” LINKS INTO YOUR COPY - Writing an e-mail fundraiser piece is a little different than writing a direct mailer piece.  In the former you might stop a thought in mid-paragraph and put in a “read more,” having your email serve as somewhat of a “teaser.”


                                    eMe = rv(o+i ) - (f+a)
The effectiveness of your Message = relevance of your offer (offer + incentive) less (friction + anxiety)

In essence, this is saying that the advantages of your offer and incentive needs to outweigh the recipient’s reluctance to reply positively to your offer, plus the anxiety he might feel in doing so.   “Friction” deals with the ease of your check out procedure.  Asking for as little information as is necessary, and keeping the checkout process as short as possible can minimize it.  Said simply, “Anxiety” is the general reluctance someone might have in doing business on the Internet. 


Ask Did my test e-mail:
Allow me to go through checkout
Have a subject line with no issues
Have working links
Display Properly
Have contact’s name, address and telephone number

These are just 3 of the 11 Tips on Email Fundraising, check our Blog to learn more. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Be a Winner with An Email Marketing Campaign!

One of the truly exciting parts of an E-Mail Campaign designed and instituted by Pathmaker Marketing LLC is the fact that it can be "Automatic” in nature. Once implemented, the program is basically self-sufficient. Once new readers subscribe to it the program is delivered to them with no additional effort on your part.
While the E-Mail Campaign is not directly Economically Driven, it should contain elements that subtly encourage the reader to get in touch with you. While you are imparting tantalizing tidbits of information that the reader can find useful, you still want them to support you with their business while you build their trust and confidence in you and your level of expertise!
To learn how you and your Company can benefit from an E-Mail Campaign designed especially for your business, contact Pathmaker Marketing LLC to schedule a private phone conversation with CEO Randall Mains as quickly as possible. After all, you want to reach everyone in your community!
Why not get started right away! Select the package that best fits your budget in the form below, and we’ll get right to work on your behalf.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

eFundraising is Alive and Well!

Despite any negative press about email, efundraising is alive and well and raising lots of Dollars. 

Unlike many newcomers into the efundraising field, Pathmaker has a respectable history in all aspects of fundraising -- traditional and online. We fully understand both worlds.

In addition to all our offline and online experiences, we also bring a recent track record of integrating the newer online technologies with traditional fundraising to achieve improved results that neither could produce on their own. Ask us about our comprehensive approach to fundraising that harmonizes your offline and online fundraising strategies.

Plus, we provide far more than general ideas! We provide specific and detailed input - and if needed, we can carry a plan through from concept to complete implementation.

We can tell you WHAT needs to be done, WHEN it needs to be done for optimum results, HOW it needs to be done - and we can back our recommendations with RESULTS.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Search Engine Marketing Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic to Your Website

Search Engine Marketing is not just presenting flashy website, people are no longer buying that. What you need today is to find a hungry niche and sell them your product or services. The question then is how to drive a great deal of hungry visitors into your website. Here is a five-tiered approach to accomplish that:

Search Engine Optimization - It is a fact in online marketing that people will mostly see your website through the Search Engines. It is therefore imperative that the major ones at least (Google, Yahoo and Bing), will find it so that they can feed it to those who are searching. This means that your website should be Search Engine Optimized so their robots can crawl and index your pages. This will greatly influence your ranking in the search results.

Learn the other Ways to Bring Qualified Traffic to Your Website, check our website now. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

E-mail Fundraising Strategies

Email Fundraising is no exception.  Any e-mail marketing professional worth their salt knows this to be true.  And, a real e-mail marketing specialist will tell you that there are actually five strategies that you can employ to ensure that your email marketing program is, in fact, a successful one.

E-MAILS TIED TO CURRENT EVENTS - This is pretty self-explanatory.  What you need to do is keep abreast with the news and develops an email campaign that revolves around what is transpiring.

MONTHLY “THEMED” E-MAIL CAMPAIGNS - Virtually every month has a holiday or event that you can “build” an e-mail fundraising campaign around.

DIRECT MAIL/E-MAIL COMBO - E-Mail Marketing Firms will tell you that the advent of an email marketing campaign should not be the demise of other fundraisers that have worked for you in the past.

MEDIA/E-MAIL COMBO - Again, you are utilizing more than one method to supplement your fundraising efforts.  In this situation, you make your offer on either the Radio or TV.
“STAND ALONE” E-MAIL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN - Here, you want to make an offer that is totally exclusive to the e-mail you send

If you find all of this a little overwhelming, you may want to contact a Professional E-Mail Marketing Service like PATHMAKER MARKETING, LLC to assist you with your email marketing undertakings.

Grow Your Facebook Page from Zero to 5,000

Facebook is far more than the name “social media” implies. It has become one of the most effective marketing venues the world has even seen. So why is it that, although you’ve created a Facebook page for their business, it just sits there? Why don’t people notice it? With countless people with Facebook accounts, why do you have only two fans after an entire year of exposure? Well, it might depend on your concept of exposure. And it might amaze you that there is nothing new under the sun. 

Let People Know You Are There. - Tell people that you are “in the square and open for business.” Tell people you are on Facebook and tell them where to find you. Tell them everywhere you go. Advertise everywhere they go. It’s called cross-promotion. Put up banner ads on associate websites. Do you have a business card? Put your Facebook address on it – and do it prominently, not in teeny- tiny fine print. PROMOTE IT! Every email you send should have a link to your Facebook page. Every print ad should feature your Facebook page. Incorporate “Like” buttons for your page on other websites. And always – underline that – always talk about your Facebook page during every phone call, incoming or outgoing. Finally, create a sense of urgency. For example, “Don’t miss out on this one-time offer.” HERE’S A BONUS IDEA: Create a QR code and put in on all of your print collateral, even your business cards. They are cheap and easy to create and they can drive anyone with a smart phone to your page or website almost instantly.

Learn the other Ways to Grop Your Facebook Page. Visit Our Now. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Easy Internet Steps To Get More Visitors To Your Church

There is, without a doubt, nary a pastor or church in the country that doesn’t want to get more visitors to come to their church.  With a pure heart and a message to share, their intent is to provide for those visitors programs and services that will enhance and improve their life style.

Randall Mains, Founder and CEO of PATH-MAKER  MARKETING LLC, one of the premier e-mail marketing professionals in the country, agrees that the following steps are an easy way to inform prospective visitors about your church and what it has to offer.

 Launch Google Ad Words - - Target Geographically
Get your CHURCH found on Google by claiming your Google Place.
Get your members to give your positive reviews on Google Places.
Claim your Bing Listing
Claim your Yahoo Listing
Launch Facebook Ads - Target Demographically
O[pen a Facebook Page for your church.
Get listed in the top 40 directories in your community.
Get an account in Linkedin, the Top business directory.
Get an account in the other top 9 business directories.

To learn the other steps To Get More Visitors To Your Church, visit our website.