Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Keyword Research

I’m sure your first thought is, "Well, where are we going?”  And well it should be!  You would be appalled, however, if you knew how many people put together a Search Engine Marketing Program with no idea where they are going!

That’s why we at Pathmaker Marketing LLC want to share with you the importance of Keyword Research and, more importantly, offer our services in conducting an effective and successful program.

After we have determined "where” you’re going, we will work diligently to determine the best way to get you there!  Just as the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, you will want your journey on the Internet Highway to be as direct as possible.  While meandering on country lanes is a wonderful way to spend a vacation, "meandering” on the Internet is detrimental almost to the point of being disastrous!

Remembering that Keyword Research is the Foundation of an effective Search Engine Marketing Program will allow you to understand that, basically, you need to "chase” those individuals who want your Product/Service and are using the Internet to find you!  Our goal, on your behalf, is to determine and isolate the words they will be using while they are looking for you!  These are the words/terms that they will type into their Google Search.  Your goal, and our intent, is to make sure that you and/or your company "comes up” when they type in their Search Words!

Effective Search Engine Marketing Programs don’t just happen - - they are the result of a lot of hard work, and well-executed Keyword Research!

Visit us today at Pathmaker Marketing LLC.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Social Networking and its Benefits

Most of us, when we think of Social Networking, picture Facebook in our minds. Created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, it has grown to be the number one Social Networking entity in the world, and vies for the distinction of being the largest US Web Company with Google and Amazon on a most competitive basis. What this means to you is that with over 500 million active users, Social Networking has become a viable choice as part of your Internet Marketing Program! This is true because Facebook now has Company Pages, which allows the general public and not only your friends to visit.

One of the major advantages of Social Networking (and there are several!) is that it allows you to actually Interact with both your current and prospective clients/customers! You can establish a question and answer scenario, where you are able to display a degree of your expertise. Further, you can discuss your plans concerning upcoming sales and specials! You can actually have Testimonials posted there, allowing prospective clients to get an idea of the qualifications and quality of your product or service.

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Social Networking is that it creates a situation whereby people are circumventing the"Google Search." Today, via Facebook, Twitter and other avenues of Social Networking, people are informing and advising their friends where to do business! We tell our friends where to eat, where to play, and even where and what to buy. The exciting thing is that when Friend A shares something on their Facebook Page, they are sharing with Friends B-W and with all their friends.

To stay on the cutting edge with your Internet Marketing Plan, you need to make arrangements to create a Company Page as soon as possible.

Why not get started right away! Contact us now by visiting our website here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Go Global Today!

As we enter into the second decade of the 21st Century it is more and more apparent that we are living in an ever-shrinking world! We at Pathmaker Marketing LLC are not only aware of this, but, rather, we stand ready to help you and your company compete in an ever expanding arena where English is not the only language spoken. As a result, we look forward to helping you accept the challenge of Internationalization!!
At one point in time, Internationalization meant that a company would be reaching out and expanding into other nations around the world. Today, however, the nations have come to us. The number of ethnicities that surround us is remarkable and, as astute business people, we need to do all that we possibly can to tap into these most viable markets.
How, exactly, can Pathmaker Marketing LLC help you do this? First, we can assist you in doing a survey regarding the number of possible ethnic markets that you are currently missing out on! Once we have accomplished this, our next step will be to help you in what we consider to be the major aspects of Internet and Social Network Marketing!
The key to this program will, of course, be the utilization of our ability to put virtually all of these Marketing Programs into a myriad of languages. To show the extent of what can be accomplished, please take time to visit one of our most recently completed projects, a 3D Virtual Tour of the Tenboom Museum in Haarlem, Holland at Due to the extensive worldwide interest in this particular topic, our client's goal was to have it presented in twenty different languages. While you may want fewer than that, there may be some very specific languages you would like us to assist you with in the following areas, as well as perhaps doing a 3D Virtual Tour for you.
To learn how, exactly, you and your Company can benefit from an Internationalization Program you need to contact Pathmaker Marketing LLC to schedule a private phone conversation with CEO Randall Mains as quickly as possible. After all, you want to reach everyone in your community!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Perhaps one of the most important, and over-looked aspect of an individual’s job is to protect their persona - especially if they are the "face” of their Business or Ministry. If even one disgruntled or vindictive individual were to post a disparaging comment, it could forever be seared into the pages of the World Wide Web. While the comment may not be able to be removed, it can be "buried” by a preponderance of positive comments, and that’s why Pathmaker Marketing LLC ffers our Executive Brand Management Program. By ensuring that your Website, Blog, Facebook Page and Twitter Account are all teeming with content extolling you, we help to protect your Internet Image. A wonderful side-benefit is the fact that due to the increased content, your rankings on the various Search Engines will be greatly improved.
To learn more about how you can benefit from our Executive Brand Management, visit us HERE. You will be pleased with the information you glean regarding the program, and thrilled with how much control you can have over what the Internet says about you!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Understandably, the first question that might come to mind is, “Why should we turn our church into a Digital Outreach?”  Well, there are a host of reasons you might want to pursue new ideas for outreach, and the reasons for Digital Outreach are indicated below:
·         You will have the ability to reach out beyond the confines of your church to a greater, broader community.
·         If your church currently ‘serves” those in a ten mile radius, your Digital Ministry can go nationwide, or even international
·         It will allow you to better fill the Great Commission, per Acts 1:8 - “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spiriti has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me  in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.”
·         Allow you a way of ministering to a vast mission field!

After wondering “why” to go Digital, the next natural concern is “what to do” to go Digital. You
may want to establish a Digital Outreach Team, which will coordinate with those in charge of creating other ideas for church outreach.  Together, they can create a plan to implement all your outreach ministry ideas.  Following are fifteen suggestions to help you create a Digital Ministry
1)       Launch Prayer Walls - An excellent way to facilitate outreach to people’s needs, and be added to the website or church Facebook page.
2)       Establish an E-Mail Campaign - That people can receive for free, like “40 Days to a Happier Marriage.”
3)       Set up a Facebook Page For Your Church
4)       Turn Pastor’s Sermons into e-books
5)       Stream” your Services on your Website and/or upload Videos to You Tube
6)       Place “Teaching Videos” on You Tube - Pastor having a “conversation chat” on            various topics via digi-cam.
7)       Develop an “Articles Archive” - Written on a variety of topics, you are basically creating an “Online Library”
8)       Offer Free Downloads - White papers on various topics
9)       Offer Electronic Bible Studies - “How to Establish and Improve Your Prayer Life”
10)     Translate your Website into a Foreign Language - Preferably the predominant one in the area you serve
11)      Develop an “Online” Bookstore
12)      Develop a “Bulletin Board Forum” do discuss various topics/issues
13)      Establish an “e Learning Center” - Classes on virtually any topic:  Bible Studies
14)      Create a “Christian Calendar” - Upcoming Events, Local & National
15)      Have a Church Blog - Discuss current events and life today from a Biblical point of view (Movies, Political Issues).


16)      Create a Prayer Chain - “Text Message” Prayer Chain

Now that you know “why” and “what,” visit Pathmaker Marketing to learn “how!”

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Importance of Pay Per Click

Understanding that our current economic climate mandates that we get the most out of our every Marketing dollar,Pathmaker Marketing LLC stands ready to help clients with the only Marketing Program that actually allows you to determine how much you will pay for each qualified lead - - Pay Per Click! From determining affordable Keywords and Terms to creating Landing Pages geared to converting visitors to clients, our talented staff will help you create a Pay Per Click Campaign that will allow you to get the most "bang” for your Marketing buck!
To learn more about how you can benefit from our Pay Per Click Program, visit us here You will be pleased with the information you glean regarding the program, and thrilled with how much control you can have over your Marketing dollars!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


   If your business is one that deals directly with Consumers, then E-Mail Marketing is something you need to be participating in.  This is especially true if “coupons” and special offers figure prominently in your Marketing Program.  For many businesses, E-Mail Marketing may very well be your ticket to “Marketing Paradise!”

            Prime examples of those who might benefit from E-Mail Marketing are Restaurants, Sporting Goods Stores and Churches.  To begin with, we need to realize that there are two major challenges in implementing an effective E-Mail Marketing Program:  The key to building your list is that you have to provide a reason for people to join. In the case of the Restaurant and Sporting Goods Store, you might offer a "2 for 1 coupon,” or a "20% Off” your next order when they sign up. A Church might offer a free White Paper on Prayer or Better Family Life for signing up.  You provide patrons the opportunity to enroll while they are in your establishment, and at that time you explain that future coupons will be forthcoming when they "enroll” with you.

Once a Restaurant has a list to work with they can start their E-Mail Marketing Program.  They can send out coupons for Karaoke Night, or for Holiday Discounts, or maybe even to join you for Monday Night Football.  It is important to remember that an E-Mail Marketing Program is primarily to provide your business with "spikes,” corresponding to the event or holiday. Inasmuch as E-Mails tend to have a short "shelf life,” these are good for “short term” promotions.

       For the Sporting Goods store it would be very similar, but you might want to offer "how to” classes for members of your contact list. You might also promote a "One Day Sale” or a "Week End Event.” While Restaurants might take advantage of Holidays, theSporting Goods Store might benefit from the various seasons - Hunting, Fishing, Baseball, etc. An E-Mail inviting your contact list members to attend a class titled "A one day Guide to tying Flies” would serve several purposes: 1) It would help you determine your clients area of interest and 2) it would set the stage for increased sales regarding Fly Fishing!

Churches might want to offer an invitation to a special Holiday Service or even a “Movie Night” or special musical presentation.  Again, the idea is to get people in so that you can determine what their needs are and how you can help meet those needs.

            Regardless of the entity are promoting, there are several important facts you need to keep in mind when building your E-Mail Program. Most importantly, perhaps, is the fact that you will want to design your coupons in HTML. This not only allows you to develop and forward an "attractive” coupon that will render properly, it also provides you with the means to "track” your E-Mails, allowing you to know how many of them are being opened and, perhaps even more importantly, how many recipients are "clicking through.”

Friday, January 4, 2013

General Concepts in Email Fundraising

As any Professional E-Mail Marketing Service will tell you, email has its own set of metrics.  First of all, you need to keep in mind that e-mail is always lower than direct mail.  It is, however, still profitable as there are no printing or postage charges.  Too, seldom will an email campaign yield “monster” gifts, as the largest we have seen were between $1000 - $2000 each.  Keeping this all in mind should allow you to ensure that your expectations are within the parameters of not only possibility but probability, allowing you to view the results with realistic insight.

Just as in any mode of fundraising, you must remember that “people give to people” more than organizations.  As a result, you want your e-mail to come from your chief fundraiser, such as your CEO or pastor.  Have the email look like a letter and be personalized.  “Dear Fred” goes a lot farther than “Dear Friend.” 

To “enhance the chance” of filling your coffers via an email campaign, you need a substantial e-mail list.  As a result, you may need to go an E-Mail Marketing Company and spend some money to help bolster your list.  Do know that a really small list can be cost prohibitive for using HTML, and you may want to employ TEXT as a result.

To read more, click HERE.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Link Building

Link Building is somewhat of a well kept secret - - but, not only are we willing to share this secret with you, our dedicated experts stand ready to make sure that you implement a Link Building Program that is not a waste of time or money!! Tedious in nature, but fruitful in its benefits, the development of an effective Link Building Program will ensure that you are deeply rooted in numerous Directories; that your Blog and the Community Sites and Forums you frequent will take others to your Website, and that your posts will create an Authoritative air, serving as Link Juice to boost your Page Rankings! We here at Pathmaker Marketing LLC understand the plight of the businessman who, like you, wants to emphasize Link Building in their over-all marketing plan, but needs to devote their time to their business, and not to the Link Building process. To learn exactly what we can do for you and your business in this realm, please visit us HERE at your very earliest convenience!